August 22, 2011 – 3:55 pm
It has to be at least a year since Snowflake (Woidat) took up residence in the dining room. In fact I think it’s over two, since I’m pretty sure she hasn’t been part of the feline family for as long as Parsley has been around. Until Saturday, when something strange happened. We’d already committed to […]
August 18, 2011 – 8:28 pm
It’s that time again. We’re about to lose another cat, and as always it’s heartbreaking. Snowflake (aka “Woidat”) was a stray on the campus at Kodak in Richardson where Vicki was working. She was in pretty bad condition, and terrified of people. Vicki told me that she was going to try to catch the stray. […]
… is one who promises to pay for a senate seat, but then welshes on the agreement. Apparently.
January 22, 2009 – 10:52 am
Today’s not a very interesting news day. There’s very little to glean anywhere other than the inauguration of President Obama. It’s an historic event, that an African-American has reached the highest office in the free world. And it is, there’s no question about that. But I can’t help feeling that the intense focus on the […]
October 23, 2008 – 2:31 pm
How to make your house scary for Halloween without great expense:
October 9, 2008 – 2:23 pm
“This strategy has succeeded. And we are winning in Iraq. And we will come home with victory and with honor.” Senator McCain in the first 2008 presidential debate. Among many stories of the consequences of our invasion of Iraq is this one. I heard it last week on All Things Considered. If this is the […]
January 29, 2007 – 10:31 am
So I’m finally going to write a fairly personal entry here, because it’s relevant. This last weekend has been tough, and in a way it isn’t over. We returned from a couple of years in Seattle in 1987. My wife, Vicki, had been in a car wreck while up there, and was still in constant […]
December 6, 2006 – 4:57 pm
I guess it’s a sign of how I perceive the world to be that I can’t bring myself to give this entry the title I want, which is “I want the terrorists to win,” or even give it the title it has without adding this disclaimer. Yes, it’s irony, dammit. Bloggers seem to love online […]
November 8, 2006 – 12:52 am
Way too many people are writing about politics these days, and most of them are smarter than me on the subject. But it’s election day, and I’m despondent for the future, so what the heck. I’ll post this tomorrow, whatever the results.
November 5, 2006 – 10:40 am
Would you bother to get into an email argument with someone who puts PhD in his reply address? Well, I’ll know better next time. (Edit: By that, I don’t mean arguing with someone who’s smarter than me. I do that all the time. I’m just wondering about the kind of person whose ego requires PhD […]