February 25, 2007 – 4:52 pm
The con was worthwhile. I brought home a couple of useful pieces of knowledge. Always read a story aloud; to someone else if possible, but to yourself if not. You can hear clunky phrases more clearly. If you stumble over a sentence it might be awkwardly written, and if you run out of breath, it’s […]
February 8, 2007 – 1:08 pm
Pooks made a comment here about my reaction to my short story, and used it to ask whether other writers suffered. My initial reaction was “that isn’t suffering,” and I haven’t changed my mind, but after thinking it over for a while, I can see why she’d the question that way. Making the reader suffer […]
February 6, 2007 – 8:14 am
I’m sure this is already all over the net, but each time I re-watch it, I aggravate my cough by laughing. Apple ad targeting Vista.